Category Archives: Uncategorized

morning time.

right now, this is what my mornings look like. i don’t need to go into the office until about 11 the four days a week i go in, and so i have the mornings off..i’ve been getting up around 7, 7:30 all summer. i have to feed miss hippo then. she makes a serious racket until i do. i had been going back to bed for a few hours after feeding time was over, but then i started being insanely hungry when i got up, so i started making breakfast. once i eat a big bowl of oatmeal…sleep doesn’t seem quite as necessary. so in the mornings, i wake up, feed the cat, feed myself, and then i sit. and i read. and i pray. and i drink tea. and i read blogs. and sometimes i blog. sometimes i do yoga. when i do yoga, kitty comes and does cat-cow pose with me.

but my morning time is soon coming to its end…including the rest of this week, i have two more weeks of it. well, three, really, because once the play closes in a week and a half, i’m taking STAYCATION! but after my staycation, i have five straight weeks of 9-5, m-f. which is ok. i will have my evenings back, and that will be glorious. but a different kind of glorious. this glorious is somehow…slower. more peaceful. except the last 30 minutes of it, when i realize i HAVE to be at work SOON.

introducing hippo!

this is the love of my life, hippo potamoose buckbeak! right. we call her hippo. well, more often than not, i call her “moose” or “(ca)boose”, but we don’t have to get into my insane need for nicknames.

we (alex and i, though she’s lived with me) got her back in december, and i haven’t introduced her here yet because, well….i have my reasons. it wasn’t safe. but now, now it is, because i am in a new apartment and she’s fine!

she’s a tiny little thing–we imagine she was born around august, so that makes her about 9 months now–and she’s the sweetest, feistiest, funniest little thing ever. i adore her. she loves snuggles.. some days more than others. this morning was a good snuggle day. we had a long stint of behavioral issues (ahem. she was peeing on my bed several times a day, and on the floors, and basically anywhere that wasn’t her box) and multiple vet visits the first few months (SHE LICKED HER SPAY INCISION OPEN. cue mom freakout), but everything is better now. she’s quite finicky about her litter brand, but we finally got it figured out.

she hates car rides and always tries very hard to get out of her carrier in the car..and she’s succeeded a few times.

you can expect regular caturday updates from now on…maybe.

oh, and she plays fetch! video to come.

on summer vacation

summer vacation, you are a bully.
you have been taunting me for weeks.

“if you just get past that last day of finals on monday, you’ll be home free. then you can sleep and rest and read for pleasure all you want!”


no, summer vacation.

you’ve been lying to me!

why? why do i say that summer vacation is a bully? because..

i am not home free. i do not get to sleep or rest all i want. i do not get to read for pleasure, either.
because instead, i have to clean. i have to pack. i have to get my current apartment presentable enough for check-out, and then i have to move into my new apartment.

not that i’m not stoked about the new apartment! it will be amazing. BUT.
i do not want to pack
or move
or clean this apartment
or clean that apartment
or have to re-arrange all of my stuff

i just want the summer naps. that’s all. but i shan’t get them.

so i guess i’ll go start a load of laundry.

broccoli and i…

so, if we can go ahead and entirely discount easter, i’ve been eating vegetarian for two weeks. it’s good because i actually have to eat vegetables…i’m madly in love with broccoli as of late.

heck yes, applebees…i approve.

the bad is that…as soon as i have to cook for alex this vegetarian thing is going bye-bye. there is nothing that could convince that man to give up chicken. or hamburgers. which is ok. i just have to make him like broccoli, too. at least i am learning to like vegetables. om nom nom.

gosh i really love broccoli. steamed broccoli. not so much raw broccoli.

term ends for me three weeks from now. may 3rd. everything will be done, turned in, etc., and i am probably going to sleep for an entire 24 hours. then i will have a week to finish feeling like a panicky mess and pack up my life and move somewhere else.

today i found out that i will be receiving a fellowship (read: $$$) from school for my vaguely-paid summer internship. yessss. praise Him.

we open in 31 hours.

pointe shoes

last night i tried on pointe shoes for the first time.

image from the internets
they were my roommate’s. they were a little too small. i went on pointe. it was insane. now i really want a pair.

i also discovered that i can, in fact, buy jazz shoes in wide widths. hubba hubba.

[note: my arches do not, and never will, look like that. i have fat, wide, “bad feet.” it’s ok. i’m too old for this stuff anyway. but i’ve got my eye on a pair of black ballet slippers…]

a shoe.

today i held a very old chinese foot-binding shoe in my hand.

it was smaller than my hand.

to be honest, it made me feel nauseous.

(please note that i have tiny hands.)


last night i pretty much decided that i want to go to either haiti or africa in the next year, either this summer, over christmas break, or for next year’s spring break. i was googling and researching companies/organizations that do mission trips to these places, and i was about to text a pastorfriend and ask if he knew of any people that had gone with a specific organization before. because i do not want to be screwed out of a bunch of money, and then end up on “historic tours” or something and not interact with anybody or get a chance to help people or show them Jesus. because i’m into the internets and reviews and the BBB and stuff.

anyway, tonight at collide, it was announced that they are planning a trip to haiti this summer. this summer. to haiti. i am believing in God’s promise and His hope and plan for me that i will be able to raise enough money and to take time off from my more-than-full-time internship this summer and go. i hope. i pray. pray with me.


well, it’s been a long time. i have missed my little blog! it turned out school got in the way of almost everything — i was seeing alex onceish a week for about a month straight, and haven’t been to wednesday night or sunday night church in i don’t know how long — and i neglected my picture taking duties. sorry, friends. but i’m back. not on a daily schedule anymore, probably. maybe more writing and less photos. who knows.

so what’s been happening? well, we produced and ran *three* shows. i pulled a few all-nighters. i got a french press and have been drinking more and more coffee as a result. lots of things. lots of tiredness and stress. BUT, and here’s your big but, it is midterm. today i am on spring break. there are only two more shows this term. i only have three more costume design projects (one i’ll finish by friday), two more fashion history quizzes (which are pretty fun!), one more play to write, two more history exams to take, only one more light hang, only five more weeks of lighting lab… okay, it does look like a lot, but with what i’ve already done, and the week i’ve just come out of, it feels pretty good right now.

today, i am thankful for:

spring break!

nice weather!

all the sleep i have gotten, and am going to get, this week!

a chance to take my time doing a project instead of rushing it


having something to do this summer! (more later.)

and a God that loves and protects me and wants to take my worries away.

25 & 26.

the phrase “old biddy” is in one of my textbooks. it makes me happy.

this one isn’t technically from the 26th, but it’s the scene of all my rendering supplies set out before my long night of turning renoir into warhol, picasso, chagall, and kee. which lasted into the 26th. maybe i’ll be back with a bonus picture for tuesday after some sleep.

23 & 24.

23. my roommate left me a note at eye-level on the mirror last weekend and her notepaper is so cute i kept it and put it on the inside of my door..sure brightens the dull off-white up :)

24. we have to keep daily sketchbooks for costume design, and i saw my friend drawing a kitty paw in hers…made me laugh.